What a tale!

OK, so, Olympus decided to drop the price of my camera by $200. So, after learning that they wouldn’t just give me that $200 back, I decided to return the camera to Amazon, and buy it again.

But, one hitch is that I bought it primarily with points from my credit card, so I had to wait for Amazon to give me my points back.

And wait. And wait. And wait.

And then, 11 days later, UPS delivered my camera back to me because I didn’t print one of my return labels in the correct color! 11 days later!

Print it in the correct color, send it again, and wait.

And wait. And wait.

Until, after talking to Amazon, 5 days after the camera arrived at there facility in Las Vegas with them not actually even telling me the camera was there, we discovered that Amazon had cancelled the return receipt that I used, in favor of another one. So they were never going to give me my points back!

After some degree of discussiong, i finally got my money back, in the form of an Amazon gift card.

But, in the meantime, Olympus released a new, different, better (and more expensive) camera that I prefered to the one that I bought (the one I bought was really good, too). So I decied to buy the newer one. Which wasn’t, actually, officially released until a couple of days later. And I had to wait another five days before Amazon could send it to me.

But it’s here now, and it’s wonderful, and I am ready to go!